Area - 175.33 sq. Km
Population - 231655 (according to 2011 census)
Density - 450 people per sq. Km
Constituency- Sadulapur-Palashbari (Jatiya Sangsad constituency 31- Gaibandha-3)
Number of Unions - 09: (Kishoregari No. 1, Hossainpur No. 2, Palashbari No. 3, Barisal No. 4, Mahdipur No. 5, Betkapa No. 6, Pabnapur No. 6, Manoharpur No. 6, Harinathpur No. 9)
House - 53999
Mouza - 160
Government Hospital - 1 (50 beds)
Health Centers / Clinics - 09, (Union Health Centers)
Post Office - 12
Rivers- 2 (Akhia river is locally known as Morch river and Naleya river. Karatoya river flows through the western boundary of the upazila.)
Hats and bazars - 14
Banks - 05 (Sonali, Janata, Agriculture, Rural and Employment)
Literacy rate among the town people is 33.69 (2001 census).
01 government degree college
Paved road - 80 km
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS